Monthly Archives: April 2012

Tightening ROE’s Again to Ensure Our Troops Don’t Win This War They Were Sent To Fight And We Thought Win! Bring Our Troops Home Now!

Army Times

Shifting guidelines prompt calls for ROE reform

Second guesses on front-line decisions can jeopardize careers
By Andrew Tilghman – Staff writer
Posted : Monday Apr 23, 2012 12:57:34 EDT

The Afghan man captured on a grainy surveillance video was a known insurgent. And there he was — again — digging a hole for a homemade mine beneath a well-traveled dirt road in Helmand province.

Several Marines in a nearby combat outpost watched the video feed closely, but a decision on what to do fell to 1st Lt. Josh Waddell, executive officer of India Company, who was running the command post on the afternoon of Nov. 1 for 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines.

Waddell, 25, sprang into action, calling his battalion headquarters to get authorization — what military lawyers call “positive identification” — to launch a strike. From there, he hurriedly issued orders to ground patrol units, sniper teams and aircraft hovering nearby, coordinating a complex operation to kill or capture the enemy.

The insurgent was surrounded by a village full of women and children, so Waddell’s decisions required the kind of nuanced judgment call that has become a hallmark requirement of today’s often murky counterinsurgency missions.

Waddell opted against calling in the helicopter gunships. Instead, he ordered a sniper team to home in on the insurgent. The first sniper shot was high and off-target, sending the man sprinting across a patch of farmland. But other shots struck his leg and stomach. The man dropped and rolled into a ditch for cover. Continue reading

Outlaw Platoon

Sean Parnell and His Brothers Discuss Outlaw Platoon

Outlaw Platoon

Heroes, Renegades, Infidels, and the Brotherhood of War in Afghanistan

By Sean Parnell, John Bruning

Rally Gear Calendar To Donate Funds to Wounded Warrior Project

The National Safety Forces Rally Girls Calendars will be available for sale at the Rally. The Rally Girls will be available for autographs and pictures. Proceeds from the Calendar will go to benefiting Wounded Warrior Project and The Ghost Riders Foundation.

More info here.

U.S. Marine Air-Ground Support Combat Footage in HD

Hold on to your seats Liveleakers…
“These Marines stomped so much ass that they actually had to stop filming, so they could import colons from other Arab countries to meet the demand!” ~Fire37Rescue
US Marine Combat Footage in HiDef that slipped past me.Was released on the 16th of this month, according to my sources. Combat Afghanistan with all the bullets flying and Taliban dying you come to expect from US Marines.You’ll want to favorite this bad boy.

As always, Enjoy

Friday Freefly- War Trophy Pics & Dr. Fool

Constitutional Emergency

“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.” ~attributed to Captain John Parker, Massachusetts militia,  on Lexington green, 4/19/1775

I want to ask you to do me a favor. Mark your calendar for this coming Thursday the 19th. I’m sure that most of your calendars don’t highlight that day. I know for sure the left and the media will not remind you.
On that day,  April 19 1775,  237 years ago, a group of patriots decided they had had enough and stood their ground at Lexington and Concord. They had had enough of tyranny, abuse by their government, and over bearing taxes. Sound familiar?
Take a moment on Thursday and reflect on the meaning of that day. Think of the risks those patriots were willing to take in order to win their freedom. I believe the most important freedom is that of ‘Freedom of Choice.’ Also, think of what has happened to this great Republic in the last few generations. Let us all endeavor to ensure that their sacrifice, and of those since, was not in vain.
BTW: Don’t forget that the mission of the British that day was to confiscate weapons.
Arthur L. McGinley, PhD
c6one772@charter.netWhen the Spartans at Thermopylae were ordered by the Persians to surrender their weapons, they responded Molon Labe — “Come and Take them” This is my response to those who would disarm me and mine.To a warrior, the golf course is a willful and deliberate misuse of a perfectly good rifle range!
– Jeff Cooper

The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
— Ayn Rand

DOJ Must Do More for Military Voters




We all know that our men and women in uniform work hard to protect our rights.  Unfortunately, when it comes to their rights–like their right to vote–the Voting Section of the Department of Justice has failed to do the same.

The Voting Section’s failures were well documented in 2010 and, as discussed in the article below, are continuing to occur in 2012.  Click on the image to read.

The MVP Project will continue to fight hard for our men and women in uniform and demand justice.  We hope this article sheds a little light on the importance of our efforts.

Thanks again for all of your support.  If you are interested in volunteering, please click here.


Eric Eversole
Founder & Executive Director
Military Voter Protection Project

The Washington Times

Military voters must feel like Bill Murray’s character in GroundhogDay. Election after election, certain state and local election officials fail to meet the deadline for sending absentee ballots. The outcome is often the same – thousands of ballots are received too close to the election to be returned or, if they are returned, the ballots arrive after the deadline to be counted. In either case, the military voter is disenfranchised.

Congress attempted to fix this time loop in 2009. The MOVE Act was a new law that created a simple requirement: State and local election officials had to send absentee ballots to military voters at least 45 days before an election. Yet, this simple requirement has been hard to follow.  Read the rest here.

Good read

Honor the Fallen: Cpl. Roberto Cazarez

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you – The Soldier Song